Eco-Friendly Cat Care Resolutions: How to Be a More Sustainable Cat Owner
Jan 16 2025.
As a great paw parent, it’s your responsibility to provide the best possible care for your kitty. But what about caring for our planet too? Making your cat care more eco-friendly can be fun and healthy for both your and Mr Whiskers. A few simple changes go a long way towards a more sustainable approach to caring for your kitty. Not sure where to start? Check out Cat in a Flat’s guide to eco-friendly cat care!
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What is sustainable cat food?
What is sustainable cat food? The meat industry can be notoriously damaging to the environment, which might lead you to think that feeding your cat a vegan diet is the most eco-friendly choice. While giving up meat might work for you, a meat-free diet is simply not an option for felines. Our furry friends are obligate carnivores. This means they need to eat meat to survive.
While you can’t remove meat from Mr Whiskers’ diet completely, you do have a say in which types your kitty eats. And some options are more eco-friendly than others. For example, tuna fishing is one of the least environmentally friendly cat food options out there. It’s destructive to the ocean’s food web and comes with an incredibly high bycatch rate (meaning a large number of non-target fish are caught in tuna fishing).
If you want an eco-friendlier cat care approach to diet, look for sustainably sourced options like farmed salmon or sardines. If you have the time and energy, making your own feline food is another option you can explore. Sourcing ingredients locally is always the most sustainable option. Homemade cat food also means there’s less processing and packaging materials involved—which is kinder to the planet!
Eco-friendly cat care: biodegradable litter
With so many litter options out there, it can often feel an impossible task to choose one your kitty likes and that’s environmentally friendly too. Some traditional litters contain chemicals that can be bad for the environment. Hence, with litter it’s always best to go as natural as possible. Look for pellets that are made from materials like sawdust, corn, or recycled paper. Keep in mind that natural materials may require a little more maintenance than artificial litters. You may need to change out natural litters more often as they don’t clump the same way other litters do.
Eco-friendly cat care supplies and toys
Unfortunately, many feline toys are made from materials that can’t be recycled. These will simply end up in landfills, which is bad for the planet. Luckily, there are a few options you can explore to make this part of your daily cat care more eco-friendly:
- Source toys second-hand if possible. If you have friends with cats, suggest a toy exchange once a month. This will give you the chance to refresh your furry friend’s toy collection without spending money on new items that aren’t as eco-friendly!
- Donate any toys your cat doesn’t like or use to your local shelter. However, only do this if the toys are in good condition!
- When buying toys, aim for plastic free materials. These include bamboo, hemp, and wool. For example, there are many amazing scratching tree options out there that are wood and hemp.
- A fun (and eco-friendly) cat care activity is to repurpose household items to make your own toys! Toilet rolls, egg cartons, and delivery boxes are all easy to convert into fun activities for Mr Whiskers.
- When making purchases, try to find sturdy items that will last. Cheaply made toys break more easily and can be dangerous for cats. Constantly replacing items is less friendly to the environment.
The big scoop: Can you repurpose cat waste or litter?
Can you repurpose cat waste or litter? Litter box maintenance is an essential part of daily cat care, so it’s always great to make the task as eco-friendly as possible. When done properly, repurposing cat waste or litter can help you to be a more sustainable cat owner. For example, using biodegradable bags (as opposed to plastic) to dispose of waste, or composting your kitty’s poo are both eco-friendly cat care options.
Note: While flushing litter may seem like an eco-friendly option, it’s best to avoid it—even if the litter is labelled as ‘flushable’. Cat litter can clog your pipes. Feline waste may also carry infectious bacteria that’s bad for humans and other animals.
Keeping your cat indoors is more eco-friendly
Felines are hunters by nature. However, Mr Whiskers’ hunting habits may have a negative impact on the ecosystem and wildlife in your area. Keeping your kitty indoors is ultimately a more eco-friendly form of cat care. Not only are you protecting the local wildlife, but it’s safer for your fur friend too as there are many hazards outside the home.
If you have a kitty that is used to going outside, or are introducing your outdoor feline to a new area, there are still steps you can take to be more environmentally friendly. Firstly, get your cat neutered before allowing them outside. Neutering or spaying your kitty will help calm some of their wilder instincts to hunt or wander far. Something else you can do is put a multi-colored collar with a bell on your cat. A bell will alert small animals of your kitty’s approach and lessen the chances of Mr Whiskers catching and killing them.

Can my cat sitter provide eco-friendly cat care?
Can my cat sitter provide eco-friendly cat care? Absolutely! Our amazing pet sitters can personalize their care to fit you and your furry friend’s unique needs. Just make sure to ask before booking so you can be sure you and your sitter are on the same page. Keep in mind that not every sitter will be able or willing to do added tasks, so never book without checking beforehand. And make the process as smooth as possible for your feline carer by providing clear instructions as well as easily accessible eco-friendly supplies for them to use while you’re away.
- #catinaflat
- #pet care
- Cat Care
- eco-friendly cat care
- eco-friendly cat food
- eco-friendly cat litter
- eco-friendly cat toys
- homemade cat food
- homemade cat toys
- sustainable cat care